Sirion Acquires AI Pioneer Eigen Technologies to Accelerate Document AI Capabilities.


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Previous posts

Watch the recording of the panel discussion from Insurtech Insights Europe 2023 on the technology you need to optimize your underwriting process.
Our Co-Founder and CEO, Dr. Lewis Z Liu, joins Emerj Senior Editor Matthew DeMello on this episode of the AI in Business podcast to talk about intelligent document processing for real-time risk analysis in financial…
In this final instalment of our blog series, we dig into the practicalities and risks relating to the use of large language models (LLMs) for intelligent document processing (IDP) including model governance and data privacy.
In this blog, we look in detail at the opportunities large language models (LLMs) present for intelligent document processing (IDP), including the stages in the end-to-end process they can support and some specific financial services…
Our CEO and Co-founder Dr Lewis Z Liu delves into the topic of large language models - the type used to power the latest wave of generative AI solutions like ChatGPT – explaining their relevancy…
By Ellie Maidment – Software Engineer at Eigen – on behalf of our D&I Committee It’s Neurodiversity Celebration Week and here on the Eigen D&I committee, we thought it was important to mark the occasion…