Sirion Acquires AI Pioneer Eigen Technologies to Accelerate Document AI Capabilities.
Industry Solutions

How does Eigen help corporates?

All big businesses and corporations have a wealth of data at their disposal, but very few analyze it effectively because of the challenges of extracting and processing it.

Use cases

Get the most out of your data and your people

The Eigen® platform automates data extraction and document processing tasks delivering information and insights directly to the people in your organization that need it. Digitally transform time-consuming manual processes and empower your people to make better data-backed decisions

Delivering results for corporates and big businesses

Key Metrics


Cost savings compared to manual document processing


Faster access to better data compared to manual processing


Capacity increase in operational business areas

Example use cases for corporates


Regulatory reporting & compliance

Big businesses use Eigen® to automate the extraction of information required for regulatory compliance exercises and reporting tasks (for example LIBOR, GDPR, COVID-related) in an explainable, scalable and highly efficient way.


Intelligent document processing & data extraction

Large firms use Eigen® to automate the extraction of information from mutliple different document sets to save time, money and human effort as well as reduce errors across various functional areas.


Develop custom AI solutions in-house

Corporations use Eigen® to fast-track the development of custom solutions to data extraction and document processing problems and to boost the capacity of their data science teams.

Featured resources

IDP ebook

A user's guide to intelligent document processing eBook

GS QFC LIBOR case study

Automating document processing for regulatory reporting and compliance

CMS ON DEMAND WEBINAR Turbocharge your use of unstructured data and make your compliance initiatives deliver strategic value

Turbocharge your use of unstructured data and deliver strategic value

Forrester TEI Study preview image

Total Economic Impact of Eigen Technologies

Request a demo today

Fill in this form to schedule a tailored demo of Eigen's AI-powered intelligent automation platform.



The Eigen® platform is used by insurance firms to digitize data from policies, slips, submissions and other documents.



Banks & Capital Markets

The Eigen® platform enables banks and buy-side firms to use data to make better decisions across front, middle and back office teams.


Financial services

Financial Services

The Eigen® platform is used widely in financial services to help firms access and analyze data and automate document processing activities.

Financial Services

Law firms

Eigen helps and partners with law firms and legal service providers to eliminate manual contract review and analysis tasks.

Law firms