Sirion Acquires AI Pioneer Eigen Technologies to Accelerate Document AI Capabilities.
COVID 19 and the Credit Cycle white paper
White papers

COVID and the credit cycle: The value of reviewing your loan documents

About this white paper:

Banks and private credit funds have been compelled to closely examine their loan portfolios and understand how the terms of the loan documentation have been implicated by the COVID crisis.

This white paper uncovers the five key findings from a thorough analysis into covenants and terms detailed in over 130 LSTA-style credit agreements. The data was extracted using the Eigen no-code intelligent document processing platform to better understand the risks and opportunities lenders are facing after the global pandemic.

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What you'll learn from reading this white paper:

We unveil the five key trends that our analysis surfaced relating to:

  • Covenant packages and levels
  • Equity cure rights
  • Ways to limit cash leakage
  • Addressing maturity risks
  • Transfer restrictions

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