Sirion Acquires AI Pioneer Eigen Technologies to Accelerate Document AI Capabilities.


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During the redesign phase of our new website, we had the privilege to host students from NJ LEEP - a college access program that serves students and families in the greater Newark area - and…
You probably know of Eigen as an NLP provider, meaning that we answer questions and extract data from long strings of text like those found in contracts, emails, reports, etc. However, NLP or natural language…
Digital transformation is no longer just a ripple happening at the edges of the insurance industry but is now a wave picking up momentum. The use of artificial intelligence has increased exponentially across all industries…
To succeed today, businesses must find innovative ways to optimize the value of a vital commodity: their data. With more information available than ever before, organizations are sitting on a goldmine of data to help…
Digital transformation is the adoption of technology to transform services or businesses, not only by replacing manual processes with digital processes but also by replacing older digital technology with newer technologies. While such transformation was…
Last month we launched our Women in Fintech interview blog series inviting women, and those that champion them, to share their experiences and thoughts on gender diversity and inclusion more generally in the industry. In…