Sirion Acquires AI Pioneer Eigen Technologies to Accelerate Document AI Capabilities.


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The principle of cause and effect, identified many years ago, now has such far reaching implications that entire careers are dedicated to modeling and understanding its relationship. Global trade, travel, and exchange of ideas has…
We recently sat down with our SVP of People, Alexandra Richenburg, for a retrospective on her team’s work in 2021 and a look ahead to their priorities in 2022. In this first part, we share…
Last November in partnership with Insurance Insider we ran a webinar that looked at some of the challenges insurers face when presented with large amounts of data, as well as how to overcome the problem…
The past five years have seen an increasing focus on issues of climate change and sustainability by central banks and financial regulators globally. There is now an acceptance and recognition by policymakers and legislators of…
Eigen commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study examining the return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by deploying our no-code AI platform and professional services with the intention of enabling…
Earlier this year, we launched our Women in Fintech interview blog series inviting women, and those that champion them, to share their experiences and thoughts on gender diversity and inclusion more generally in the industry…