Sirion Acquires AI Pioneer Eigen Technologies to Accelerate Document AI Capabilities.


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For use cases such as compliance or regulatory reporting that require total precision, Document AI can achieve up to 100% accuracy when machine learning techniques are combined with human review. But, for use cases where…
With so many Document AI, data extraction and contract analytics platforms available – and new ones emerging all the time – the landscape can be confusing. Many companies looking for a better way to access…
Document AI is a faster, cheaper and more reliable way to extract data and insights from documents. Companies have more data at their disposal than ever before, and Document AI is becoming the go-to solution…
In a previous blog, we explained what Document AI technology is and why your business might need it to save valuable time and money spent extracting, analyzing and organizing data from documents. In this blog…
On November 30, the ICE Benchmark Administration (IBA), who compiles and oversees LIBOR, announced that subject to consultation it will extend the publication of USD LIBOR benchmarks until June 30, 2023 for all but the…
In every legal TV drama, there’s a scene where a crack team of lawyers arm themselves with yellow highlighters and scour boxes of documents around the clock in search of a specific piece of information…